CBD Promotes:
- Helps with Mobility Issues
- Reduces anxiety
- Brings balance to the body
- All Natural Ingredients
- 100% Organic Hemp
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Maserati - Beofre and After Sticky Frog
CBD Oil For Horses - 1500mg

CBD For Horses
Tired of the trail ride jig? High Strung Horse making it hard...
Good Trailering Aid
CBD can help relax your horse to allow them to understand and retain when practicing safe trailer loading.
Relax During Stall Rest
CBD oil is a double win for a horse on stall rest. Not only does it relax your horse so its not so stressed being inside, but it also has an inflammation reducer that will help with pain.
Trail Ride Relaxation
CBD can help your horse relax before a trail ride. Take a couple with and redose if needed!
Q & A's
Q & A's
Does CBD get my pet high?
NO! CBD is a compound from the hemp plant, that does not get your pet high. The Marijuana plant contains THC, which gives a euphoric effect. But NOT CBD. This is one of the biggest misconceptions of our products. Until the FDA approves it federally, educating people on the portion that it does not actually get your pet high, is most important.
Why wont my Veterinarian recommend CBD?
Vets cannot recommend CBD products to their clients. The AVMA(American Veterinary Medical Association)has issued a notice to Veterinarians NOT to recommend CBD products due to the fact that the FDA has not legalized it at a federal level.
How do I dose the oil
It is dosed on animals weight, we have different blends for different sized animals. We also have treats for dogs and horses to help make it easier. Dosing Chart
CBD Side Effects
Though it's often well-tolerated, CBD can cause side effects, such as dry mouth, diarrhea, reduced appetite, drowsiness and fatigue.